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09/10/21 – Afternoon
3.30 -4.00 PM
Ownership, possess and use: the Great Wave of NFTs in Digital Art

Serena Tabacchi, Director and Co-founder at Museum of Contemporary Digital Art
Arturo Galansino, General Director Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi
Téchne means art. It is only a matter of language. There is a great deal of interdependence between art and technology. Technology penetrates the world of art, Art constantly inspire and question technology. They have different means of expression but often tackle the same problems. One of those is ownership and authorship. Arturo Galansino, Director General of Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi, art historian with a strong sense of modernity, on the biggest phenomenon in digital art: NFTs.
4.15-4.45 PM
Innovation and generosity in the Age of Excellence

Mauro Porcini, Design Chief Officer at PepsiCo
Innovation is, first and foremost, an act of generosity. It may concern a few, but at the end of the day, it has to work for the benefit of all. Relevant, respectful, beautiful. No matter if we are talking about design, technology or marketing. There is a place for everyone but no room for mediocrity. We are all designers of meaning in the Age of Excellence. Mauro Porcini, Senior Vice President & Chief Design Officer in PepsiCo, on designing experience and translating needs, wants and dreams into products and solutions.