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09/10/21 – Morning
Grow big as Kong. Choosing the right seeds, planting them in Silicon Valley: a parade of success stories
Massimo Sgrelli, Founder and Managing Partner at Lombard Street Ventures
A startup speaks always to a global market, if it doesn’t, it is a simple company not a startup. It has a completely different, distributed configuration, diverse phases of run. It is like compering travel with a car to a flight with an aircraft. A car does not need an extra space, time and energy for the takeoff, but overall, it is slower and will never go high. Massimo Sgrelli, a tech entrepreneur and investor, who bet on Kong in 2010, on innovative ecosystems and whispering unicorns.
10.30-11.00 AM
“Make it fly!”. The roadmap of an idea, from US universities to enterprise success.
Livio Valenti, co-founder of Vaxess Technologies, Harvard University Fellow, Atlantic Council Fellow
Most disruptive innovations stem from science, but driving discovery from lab to market, has multiple challenges and roadblocks. Livio Valenti, a sustainability entrepreneur and Harvard University Fellow at the Belfer Center, explains what are the key ingredients of building successful impact-driven companies based on new scientific discoveries.
11.15-12.15 AM
The Perfect Pitch
Start-up speaks loud. A playbook on how to pitch to win.
Moderated by Massimo Sgrelli, Founder and Managing Partner at Lombard Street Ventures
and Federico d’Annunzio, Traent CEO
12 seconds. This is all the time you have in order to communicate your idea of business. If you can’t do that, it means you’re not ready. If you are good enough, you can get an opportunity to have 1- or 5-minute pitch. It requires hours and hours of preparation, but a bunch of right words can be worth millions of dollars. Before you start cold mailing, take your time to study success stories and learn how to pitch to win.