Rosa Bottino
Rosa Bottino is currently Emeritus Research Director of the Italian National Research Council
(CNR) and directed for more than 11 years the Institute of Educational Technology of CNR. She
was also President of the CNR Research Area of Genova (Italy) from 2013 to 2019.
She led
competitive projects funded by the European Commission and Italian Institutions, and acted as
research evaluator of many European, International and National research projects and
Institutions. Dr. Bottino obtained national and international awards such as IFIP Silver core and
outstanding service awards, SAPIO Award for “Scientific outstanding woman researchers”, Best
paper awards in a number of int. conferences.
Rosa is currently IFIP TC3 vice-chair and the current IFIP TC3 national representative of Italy. She is
the chair of WCCE-2022 World Conference that will be held in Japan in 2022. She is the author of
more than 150 both national and international scientific papers.